Our Evidence Technicians may be contacted at (509) 773-3780 or may also be contacted by e-mail (GPDadmin@ci.goldendale.wa.us). For personal contact, appointments are highly recommended. Our Evidence Technician’s hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Claiming Property
Property is generally held by the Police Department for the following reasons:
- Property that is evidence of a crime.
- Found property.
- Property that is held for safe keeping.
Property that is held as evidence cannot be released until the Prosecutor’s Office or City Attorney’s Office has authorized the release.
Found property can be released to the owner with appropriate proof of ownership. The person who turned the property in may claim property that is not claimed by the owner, when certain legal conditions are met. Your photo identification is required for the release of your property.
Property that has been held for safekeeping may be released back to the owner but release may be delayed, depending on why it was initially held.
When you have received a notice or a notice was attempted to be delivered, you have sixty (60) days to claim and pick up your property. After the sixty (60) days, your property will either be destroyed, donated to charity, or sold at auction as authorized by state law.
You must make an appointment prior to coming to the Police Department to pick up property. For more information on property release, contact our Evidence Technician at (509) 773-3780, or e-mail: GPDadmin@ci.goldendale.wa.us